The sky is clear, the sun is shining, the birds are singing, it's cool and breezy and only moderately humid. It's the perfect summer day. Well, it would be if Madden '09 didn't come out today.
Oh joy! Another Madden is out. It'll be so much fun at work today that I can't wait to get there. Madden players are so articulate and educated and polite. Wait, let me turn the sarcasm font off.
Ugh. Madden release day.
No offense to the few Madden players who speak proper English are are upstanding citizens, but in general Madden fans are the lowest common denominator. Not even good enough for Jerry Springer. There are three types who love the Madden. The first is the yo-yo-yo side hat wearing white boys. "Yo, when Madden coming out?" Sigh. The second is the gangsta thug type. "Yo yo, when Madden coming out for the P3?" The P3? These are the same people who want GTA IV. The IV isn't the number 4, it's pronounced I.V. as in intravenous. Then there are the knuckle dragging, steroid pumped, metrosexual guido types. Probably the most despised types. They think all men want to be them and all ladies want them. Um, ewwww. Not sure what I'm talking about? Go to You Tube and watch My New Haircut. That's the type.
So I'm off to work. Time for 8 hours of non-stop hell. Oh yes, we'll have some pleasant customers today, the kind who are polite and nice, but sadly they won't outweigh the hell we'll get from the rest. Is it wednesday yet?