Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The nearly perfect day

Yesterday was the nearly perfect day. It was just the two of us all day. Well, 5 of us if you count the pets, but the boy was gone for the weekend. w00t! Woke up, got myself a cup of coffee, sat on the deck drinking coffee while the pup patrolled the yard and did what she had to do. I love sitting on the deck in the fresh air while drinking a cup of coffee. Booze works too. It was in the lower 70's and sunny. Nice weather to start off the day. We took our time getting motivated, eating breakfast, doing some laundry, prepping sausage and peppers for dinner all at a very leisurely pace. The other half did some HAM radio stuff while I played some GTA IV. We took the pup to the dog park for an hour or so. She played with a couple of dogs and chased her ball around. Got home, took a "nap" (nudge nudge wink wink, say no more say no more), took a cool shower. Perfect. Here's where the "nearly" comes into play in the nearly perfect day. It got hot. Too freaking hot for me. It was 86 degrees outside, 82 in the house. I almost turned the AC on it was so freaking hot. I really hate this summer stuff, it's too damn hot! I sucked it up, got myself a cold beer and sat on the deck in the shade. It was bearable but just barely. Grilled some sausage and peppers for an early dinner, had another cold frosty drink, sat on the deck being lazy, lather rinse repeat. It cooled off by the time the sun set that the house was a bearable temp again. Watched some Food Network stuff (damn you Alton Brown for making me hungry again at 8pm!) ate some fresh fruit, cheese and crackers and pepper salami slices. Yummy! Took the pup for another walk played some GTA again and went to sleep. It was the nearly perfect day too bad those don't happen very often.

So, how was your weekend?


Th3Guns1ing3r said...

Glad y'all had a good weekend. We didn't do jack! Had a nice lazy weekend. I didn't even get the bike out to ride, even though it was nice all weekend. A little hot for you, though, at 91 degrees.

Laura said...

Yeah, 91 is too hot for me. That's what AC is for though. AC and cold beer. 91 is too hot to ride actually, especially if you gear up properly.